Ubuntu find file by extension
Ubuntu find file by extension

This will also work with ls -l, because the extension is normally the last thing on the line (exceptions if you have lines like -> /home/jones/tmp", where links are followed by their targets). save file and another file with no extension whose name ends in 'e'. rtf files, for example, are listed together, after a. They're sorted by last character, then next-to-last, etc. Finding files by name is probably the most common use of the find command. Method 1: Using find Command Example 1: Finding Files of Specific Extensions Example 2: Finding Multiples Files With Extension Method 2: Using locate Command Finding.

ubuntu find file by extension

  • ls gives its output, with any flags you want 17 Answers Sorted by: 471 Try this (not sure if it's the best way, but it works): find.
  • #Ubuntu find file by extension update#

    UPDATE : If you want to specify your directory. so on): locate /txt xargs grep -rl Book xargs grep -rl Stars That is it. regex pattern matched the file extension at the end of a string.

    ubuntu find file by extension ubuntu find file by extension

    ls gives its output, with any flags you want 2 Answers Sorted by: 2 Without using too many options (such as : -iname,-inw . The s was used to search and replace operations on the input text. Reversing the order of characters in every line. On bash, this will sort of work: $ ls | rev | sort | revįrom man rev: The rev utility copies the specified files to the standard output,

    Ubuntu find file by extension